Friday, September 29, 2017

What do I do when I come to a word I don't know?

Our second graders have been using a variety of strategies when they come to a word they don't know while reading. Last week, each student collected data on which reading strategies they were using as they read and set goals for themselves. This week, our readers found evidence of themselves making progress towards their reading goal. We are excited to share our goals at Student Led Conferences next week!


Friday, September 22, 2017

Field Day Fun!

On Thursday our Crew had an afternoon of fitness and fun! We collaborated with one another to achieve goals, persevered through challenges, and showed respect towards one another. A huge thank you to Mr. B for all of his hard work in planning field day!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Build-a-Lodge Fieldwork

Our crew had a blast at Ladybug Lake this morning! We were able to understand a beaver's responsibilities by building lodges, filling holes in a beaver "dam", analyzing beaver artifacts, and discovering trees that beavers eat. Through this hands on experience we were able to gain a better understanding how a beaver survives in our world. We are looking forward to our second fieldwork on October 20th!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Happenings in Miss Brittany's Crew

We have had a busy, joyful first few weeks in Second Grade!

In reading, our students have been working on choosing "just right" books using the "5 Finger Rule." Once they have found a "just right book", the students are using a variety of reading strategies to figure out words they do not know in the text. The reading strategies we use are below. I will send home a copy for your child to use at home once all of the strategies have been explained.We will continue to use these strategies throughout the year and set goals to improve as readers.

In writing, students are learning how writers spell. They have been using ear spelling, eye spelling, and spelling by heart. In your child's Thursday folder there is an explanation of this concept, as well as samples from your child's writing journal. Please have your child explain to you the strategies he/she uses to spell.

In math, our students are working on using combinations they know to solve number strings. We are becoming fluent with our combinations of 10 and doubles combinations (ex: 2+2, 3+3, etc.) in order to add a group of numbers efficiently.

In expedition, we kicked off our expedition "Animal Adaptations." Ranger Beth visited our crew to share the physical features of a beaver. Afterwards, our students asked a question, created an inference, and researched their question in small groups regarding a specific physical feature. We are so excited to travel to Ladybug Lake for our first fieldwork this Friday!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ready, set, blog!

This blog is currently under construction. A blog post will be available soon!