Friday, September 28, 2018


Our crew has been learning all about strategies! A few weeks ago, we collaborated to create a class definition of the word "strategy".

Once we learned the meaning of the word "strategy", our crew learned all the strategies readers use when they come to an unknown word. The students applied these strategies during independent reading and set a goal for themselves as readers. This goal will be shared during Student Led Family Conferences in November. A green "word strategies" list was sent home in Thursday folders this week for our readers to use at home.

We have also learned strategies that we can use to solve problems independently. Solving problems independently takes courage and respect! Our Crew is working on using the strategy "CFRR" when they want to communicate with a friend. Each child was sent home with the problem-solving strategies today. It is their responsibility to share these strategies with their family.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Field Day

Our crew had a day filled with fitness, fun, and sunshine! We spent the morning participating in Field Day! The students had a great time playing tag, swinging from ropes, completing an obstacle course, collaborating in a water balloon toss, waving a parachute, and chasing others in Drip, Drip, Drop (a spin on Duck, Duck, Goose). Thank you to Mr. B for all of his hard work planning this fantastic day!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Fieldwork at Ladybug Lake

Our young scientists had the opportunity to visit Ladybug Lake to investigate how organisms survive and thrive in the riparian habitat. The students learned how beaver's use physical features to create a lodge. Our students were sent to gather sticks, mud, and leaves to create the lodge. We learned that the life of a beaver is busy!

Our scientists were also able to learn about other organisms that live in the riparian habitat. We used nets and trenched through the water to find organisms throughout the pond. We discovered crawfish, diving beetles, nymphs, moss, bullfrogs, and much more! The students then joined Ranger Beth to share all of the organisms discovered in this community. Our young scientists truly understood the purpose of fieldwork. They collaborated with experts, used scientific tools, and reported their findings in an authentic setting. We are looking forward to our next fieldwork in October!