Thursday, December 19, 2019

Holiday Party!

Today our crew spent the morning celebrating the holidays together! We decorated ornaments and ate yummy treats. The highlight of our party, however, was when our crew had the chance to show the Habit of Character of compassion. Our crew spent the majority of our party creating tie blankets for patients at a local children's hospital. The students loved working together and realizing their efforts were going towards helping others. Thank you to Kimberly Eloe for organizing this event! Also a huge thank you to all of those who volunteered and/or donated supplies to our party. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Junior Achievement

Today we had two special guests, Mr. Tim and Mr. Conor, join us from Junior Achievement! These two guests are business professionals in our community who volunteer their time in classrooms around the district. Mr. Tim and Mr. Conor helped our crew reach our financial literacy standards focusing specifically on money, jobs, and business ownership. First, they shared with us all the essential components of a community. We learned that a community needs citizens, government, businesses, and money to thrive. Next, we learned that businesses sell goods or services to make a profit. To help us understand this, the students acted as bakers in a donut shop. They worked together to produce as many donuts as they could in a short amount of time without defects. The students had to determine if they produced enough donuts that they were able to sell, or if they were unable to make a profit. After, the students learned about the purpose of taxes. Our crew loved learning from business professionals in our community!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Celebration of Learning

Thank you to all of the families that joined us for our Celebration of Learning Tuesday evening! The students were thrilled to share their learning with you and perform the "Beaver Rap." The Celebration of Learning is important in our community because our students get to take on the role of a teacher! I will keep you updated when our poetry and technical drawings have been published into our book!