Sunday, February 24, 2019

North Star Assembly

On Friday, the second-grade crew hosted our monthly North Star assembly! We spoke to the school on how we can carry our Habits of Character wherever we go. The entire presentation was our student's thoughts and ideas....amazing! The assembly began by watching a short Pixar film titled "For the Birds." After we showed this film, our students shared how the birds did/did not demonstrate the Habits of Character. Next, each class acted out scenarios of how students can show the Habits of Character throughout our school. Finally, the students chanted an inspirational quote about how your character becomes your destiny. Thank you to all the families for joining us Friday morning, and/or helping your child practice! We received many compliments on how our students were true role models for other grades.


"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."

Monday, February 18, 2019

How do clues from the past inform us about history?

Pack your bags...we're going on an expedition! Our students have traded the job of scientist for that of a historian. They are discovering how clues from the past inform us about history. To kick off our expedition, the students witnessed a surprise disruption in our classroom (the specials teachers ran into our classroom tracking down a "mouse"). Through this disruption, the students learned about primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are recorded by a person who witnessed the event and secondary sources are recorded by someone who has gained knowledge about the event. After comparing the primary sources they wrote about the event to the secondary sources their family wrote, it was discovered that primary sources are more authentic compared to secondary sources.

To apply the student's learning to the real world, the students are historians of the Highlands Ranch Mansion. During fieldwork at the mansion, they will examine primary and secondary sources to learn about the history of the mansion. Then, they will use their knowledge to create a children's tour guide for the mansion to use during tours. Our first fieldwork opportunity brought excitement to our crew, and we cannot wait to visit again!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Valentine's Day!

On Thursday, the students spent the day celebrating Valentine's Day! We celebrated in the morning by creating heart valentines, competing in games, and opening our own Valentine's. We also were able to enjoy some tasty, healthy breakfast treats. Thank you to Jennifer Giambrone, Kimberly Eloe, and Heidi Servi for your support during the party! Also, a huge thank you to the families who donated supplies to our party. Our party was a huge success!

In the afternoon, our students were scientists. The students were given candy hearts and a cup of water, vinegar, and soda. Their job was to determine which liquid would cause the candy hearts to float, and which liquid would dissolve the candy heart. The scientists started by creating predictions and then observed the candy hearts in each liquid. The students concluded that candy hearts float in soda due to the air within the soda and candy. The students also discovered the vinegar dissolved the candy hearts since vinegar is an acid. Our students loved celebrating this special holiday with our crew!