Friday, September 13, 2019

Fieldwork this week!

This week was filled with fieldwork for our second-grade scientists! We learned about scientific sketches and how scientists observe. We walked to Cheese Ranch and sketched all of the organisms in the pond habitat. When we returned to the classroom, the students gave each other feedback using our critique etiquette. This ettiquette asks students to give feedback that is kind, helpful, and specific. After receiving feedback, we returned to the Cheese Ranch pond habitat and revised our drawing for accuracy.


On Friday, we visited Carson Nature Center to compare the wetland and grassland habitats. We noticed that wetlands are wet, shady, calm, and include short and tall plants. We also reviewed some animals that use the wetlands as their habitat. When we observed the grasslands, the students noticed that the grasslands were sunny, dry, and home to different plants and animals. In the weeks to come, our young scientists will be learning what makes a grassland and how organisms are connected to the habitats around them. Thank you SO MUCH to the fabulous volunteers who joined us at fieldwork this week. Your help was truly invaluable.