Thursday, September 19, 2019

Regulating our Emotions

For the past two weeks, our crew has been working on identifying and regulating our emotions. Last week, our crew worked on identifying our emotions by using the Zones of Regulation. The students were able to express if their emotions matched the blue, green, yellow or red zone. We learned it takes courage to share how you are feeling and to advocate for what you need as well.

This past week, we focused crew time to establish our "Calm Down Center." This a space the students can visit if they are feeling in the blue, yellow, or red zone to practice mindfulness and regulate their emotions. The students and I collaborated on strategies they can use when they visit the "Calm Down Center" which have been posted below. We also collaborated to include materials they could use at this center such as a calm down glitter jar, stress balls, Play-Doh, noise-canceling headphones, Zones of Regulation reflections, and a breathing stick. Each child has created their own breathing stick to use at home and has also brought home the Zones of Regulation chart to share with his/her family. It is my hope that the strategies the students learn in the classroom can be practiced in other aspects of their life.